Місяць: Травень 2011

United Kingdom

We have always been committed to making the Word of God understandable and accessible to everyone, and this is still our spiritual foundation. Today, we employ over 600 people in 35 countries and create resources that are distributed to more than 150 countries around the world.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIj9pMm_33E]

Our UK office was established in Carnforth in 1987 due to the increasing demand…


Ми завжди прагнули зробити Боже Слово зрозумілим і доступним кожному, це і залишається нашою метою.

Служіння в Україні розпочалося у 1994 році у відповідь на зростаючий попит на духовні матеріали. Віримо в те, що й нині наші ресурси допомагають людям зростати у їхніх відносинах з Богом.

Сьогодні “Хліб Наш Насущний” та інші матеріали місії українською мовою доступні в друкованому вигляді, а також…

Trinidad & Tobago

Our Daily Bread Ministries has always been committed to making the Word of God understandable and accessible to all, and this is still our spiritual foundation. With over 75 years of ministry, we now have more than 600 employees in 35 countries and create resources in over 30 languages that are distributed in more than 150 countries. Ministry partners distribute…

Sri Lanka

Our mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all.

Our Daily Bread Ministries began its operation in Sri Lanka in 1996, distributing the quarterly edition of Our Daily Bread to English-speaking readers. Over the years our focus has expanded to providing more resources for personal and group Bible study, and publications that address common…


Our Daily Bread Ministries has always been committed to making the Word of God understandable and accessible to all, and this is still our spiritual foundation. With over 75 years of ministry, we now have more than 600 employees in 35 countries and create resources in over 30 languages that are distributed in more than 150 countries. Ministry partners distribute…


Our Daily Bread Ministries has always been committed to making the Word of God understandable and accessible to all, and this is still our spiritual foundation. With over 75 years of ministry, we now have more than 600 employees in 35 countries and create resources in over 30 languages that are distributed in more than 150 countries. Ministry partners distribute…